Elle Sofe Sara, photo: TS FotoDesign

22 and 23 February at 18.15
TOUCH intro

Before the performance starts, people with visual impairments can get an introduction to the performance through sound and touch. Location: The stage at Elverket

For questions contact: [email protected]

For tickets contact: [email protected]

22 and 23 Feb at 20.15
Aftertalk "Vástáduseana - The answer is land"

Participants: choreographer Elle Sofe Sara and Åsa Simma, Head of Theatre at Giron Sámi Teáhter. Moderated by Patricia Fjellgren, artistic director of Littfest soaré 2023, the discussion will be based on Elle Sofe Sara's work as part of a movement of contemporary performing artists who, through Sámi culture, occupy the space with full force.

Location: Foyer of Elverket.

Photo: Nadja Hallström

Patricia Fjellgren

Patricia Fjellgren was born in Stuehkie/Stockholm. She has worked on the revitalisation of the Sámi languages in many different roles. In 2017, she received the Language Council's Minority Language Award for her work. She was one of the editors and writers of the anthology Inifrån Sápmi. Sami social life and culture are issues that engage her.

Åsa Simma

Åsa Simma grew up in a reindeer herding family in Sweden's second northernmost sameby, moving between Sweden and Norway depending on the season. She learnt to yodel in the days when yodelling was forbidden. She was part of the movement that worked to lift the ban. She moved to Denmark where she trained as an actress. Åsa has been very active in the global indigenous network. She has toured among the Australian indigenous population, lived with Inuit from Greenland and North American Indians. She has worked as a film dramaturge at the International Sami Film Institute and is now a theatre manager at Giron Sámi Teáhter.