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time to apply

Between 12 and 16 December 2018, an artistic programme, selected by a secret Nordic jury, will be presented with live public performances and offstage presentations. Today, 15 December, the application period for participation starts. The deadline for applications is 31 January 2018.

Apply here.

Dancers, choreographers and artists active in contemporary dance in the Nordic region can apply. This also applies to dance artists who receive support from Nordic funders for their practice and productions. At the MORE MORE MORE forum, so-called "pitch sessions", dance artists are given the opportunity to present work in progress and new artistic ideas.

ice hot nordic dance platform

The joint Nordic platform has proved to be very successful, leading the partners to further expand and develop the co-operation concept.

The unique cooperation model of the five organisations from five different countries with different missions, financial structures and models, has attracted great international interest and inspired other countries to create something similar.