Ebbawittbratt stream image

Ebba Witt-Brattström is an author and professor of Nordic literature at the University of Helsinki. She has written a number of books on the history of literature, including Moa Martinson and Edith Södergran. In O all dear sisters!from 2010, she gives a personal account of the women's movement of the 1970s and Group 8. In Stå i bredd: 1970s women, men and literature from 2014, she gives a completely new picture of a literarily vibrant era. In 2016 she published Kulturmannen och andra texter and the fictional book Århundradets kärlekskrig.Ebba Witt-Brattström has received several awards, most recently the Björn Nilsson Prize from Expressen and the Mårbacka Prize. She is also the winner of the TV programme Kulturfrågan Kontrapunkt, spring 2017. 

Photo: Marie Klingspor