Dance, music, voice and rhythm. Together with 10 dancers from Cullberg, Alma Söderberg gives us a vibrant evening with a club feel.
50 minutes
14 Sep
15 Sep
16 Sep
17 Sep
Just before the pandemic took hold, Alma Söderberg's 'The Listeners' premiered. Where "The Listeners" - with its pastel-coloured and blurred edges - moved in a twilight landscape, the sequel "Noche" takes the step further into the night.
The night becomes the symbol of a new type of music and dance. More uneven in its rhythm, more risky, but at the same time soft, warm and dark.
- In Noche, I have focused even more on rhythm than before. More specifically, we have worked with syncopations, which are variations of rhythm and sudden stops. My ambition is that there should be a crystal clear quality, in the same way that the moonlight creates clear contours and shapes. It should be clear in both a musical and visual sense.says Alma Söderberg.
About Cullberg
Cullberg is a national and international repertory company based in Botkyrka outside Stockholm. Cullberg was founded in 1967 by the legendary Birgit Cullberg. The company became world famous thanks to Cullberg's ability to make contemporary dance accessible, inspiring and relevant to a large audience.
The company has 17 active dancers and tours both in Sweden and abroad. Cullberg is currently led by Stina Dahlström as director and in the autumn Kristine Slettevold will take over as artistic director. Cullberg is part of Riksteatern.

Club nights with DJ
On Friday and Saturday, the club atmosphere continues in the foyer after the show.
Friday DJ Wonekai at 20-22
Saturday DJ Lvlv at 20-22 hours
Alma Söderberg
Dehendrik Lechat Willekens
Behnaz Aram
Pol Matthé
Anna Fitoussi, Camille Prieux, Cecilia Wretemark-Hauck, Eliott Marmouset, Johanna Tengan, Katie Jacobson, Louise Dahl, Mohamed Y. Shika, Unn Faleide, Víctor Pérez Armero