We are part of Culture Night Stockholm 2021


24 Apr


Culture Night Stockholm 2021 took place on Saturday 24 April. For the second time, Culture Night was entirely digital and this year Dansens Hus participated with the work Other than human 1-1 which you can see below. On kulturnattstockholm.se/ is the full programme of Culture Night and until 1 May it is possible to view all events digitally.

Take part in a dance performance with Alex the robot!

In Other than Human 1-1 each participant has the feeling of being there and experiencing the performance as one of the audience. The close contact with Alex is tangible. Together we ask ourselves questions about humans in relation to technology and artificial intelligence. Do we develop feelings towards robots - and what do they look like?

Choreographer Robin Jonsson continues his work in dance and movement from the perspective of the relationship between technology and humans. Read more about choreographer and dancer Robin Jonsson


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