Meet the next generation of dancers in works by working choreographers.



70 minutes

24 May


25 May


Spring is never the same without the final production of the Ballet Academy's final year students on our stages.

The spring performance is called restacks and includes choreographies by, among others, Slovakian artists. Anton Lachky, French Julia Spiesser, Mari Carassco and Charlotta Öfverholm.

Trailer: Balettakademien | restacks

About the Ballet Academy

When the Ballet Academy was founded in 1957 by Lia Schubert, it was the first vocational dance school to include not only classical ballet but also modern and jazz dance. Its motto was Developing, Enjoyable and Cutting Edge - creating a dynamic education through experiential learning. A place for both opportunities and challenges. So it was then and so it is now.


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