4 March
Welcome to the seminar evening Age on stage organised alongside the performance Survival kit. Enjoy discussions, films and lectures on the body, dance and ageing. The evening ends with the performance Potatoes by and with Mats Ek and Ana Laguna.
Performance: Too much
"A few minutes of living freedom accepting or doubting ageing". A full evening of just 13 minutes with dancer Charlotta Öfverholm and choreography by British grand diva dancer Wendy Houstoun.
Lecture: Sonia York Pryce
Dance scholar from Griffith University, Australia, Sonia York Pryce presents her new thesis 'Ageism and the mature dancer'.

Lecture: Patrick Rump
Patrick Rump, researcher at GJUUM Movement Progressive London, speaks under the title: 'The body, injuries and career extension'.
Pre-reading: cecilia ferm ahlqvist & ninnie andersson
Cecilia Ferm Almqvist and Ninnie Andersson, researchers from Luleå University of Technology, about their research on age and dance.
Film: Stories
by Anders J Larsson.

Performance: POTATIS
Ana Laguna, Mats Ek and 4kg of potatoes to round off the end of the year. Age on Stage International Meeting Point with their seven-minute duet POTATIS.
Choreography: Mats Ek
Dancers: Ana Laguna, Mats Ek
Music: Georgi Kurtak, Bach variation
Light: Jörgen Jansson
Age on stage is the Swedish part of the European project "Dance on, Pass on, Dream on" which involves nine dance institutions in eight EU countries. The project is about questioning the dance field's norms about bodies and age. It also includes creating productions for dancers over 45, workshops for people over 65 and organising seminars.