30 May
31 May
1 Jun
Since 2015, Charlotta Öfverholm has been working on the project Age on stage - the Swedish part of the European project Dance on, Pass on, Dream on. The project questions old norms in the dance world through international productions with experienced dancers over 45 years old with at least twenty years of stage experience, workshops for 65+ and festivals. All with a focus on age and dance.
Part of this has been to provide workshops for older amateur dancers. In 2016 they met for the first time.
- I was nervous but so were all thirty participants. After six days of working together, I found such freedom in these mature, amazing people and life artists," says Charlotta Öfverholm.
The work has now resulted in the performance STORIES where twenty-one of the participants will now take to the stage with their life stories, physical memories and music.
Age on Stage: "After 25 years they have nothing more to prove. Only the strong longing to be themselves, to mould what means the most - to shake the world wordlessly, bottomless and carefree. And they fucking burn for it!"
About the choreographer

Charlotta Öfverholm started her company Jus de la Vie in 1995 and has created more than 25 productions that have toured the world. Her work is described as physical dance theatre with depth, irony, brutality and humour.