Inspired by both ballet and sign language, Canada's Cas Public presents a new interpretation of Beethoven's masterpiece, Symphony No. 9.
Tickets14 Apr
How do we experience music if we can't hear it? Cai Glover overcame a hearing loss to become a professional dancer. When he met choreographer Hélène Blackburn, she saw something new and exciting in his way of expressing himself.
His premise became the spark for a performance that put hearing at the centre. And what better way to do that than to include a classical masterpiece created by a deaf composer.
How is it possible to perceive the monumental grandeur of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony if, like Beethoven, you are hearing impaired? Work 9 embodies that challenge through a bold journey that explores our senses and how we experience, perceive and interpret. A journey where the boundaries of silence are pushed aside and the language of the body takes over.
Public case
Founded in 1989 by choreographer Hélène Blackburn. Their productions are always developed through processes of thorough research and artistic exploration. The dance company's constant aim is to introduce contemporary dance to the general public and especially to young audiences, among whom they have found their own niche and also involve them in their further development. Cas Public is known for its high-energy and high-quality productions and has distinguished itself on the international stage.