Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker and the dance company Rosas are finally coming back to Sweden with the new work EXIT ABOVE, formerly called Creation 23; a performance like a walk, accompanied by blues and geometric formations.
90 minutes
30 Aug
31 Aug
Opposites such as the individual and the collective, the line and the circle are tools in the choreography, where simple movement material is opened up to a spatial and physical complexity.
Also in terms of music, De Keersmaeker embarks on a journey towards a starting point that is in fact an intersection: the roots of pop music, the blues between major and minor, sadness and joy. The starting point of the performance is the song Walking Blues by the legendary blues artist Robert Johnson - the journey leads back to Der Wanderer by Schubert, the most famous singer-songwriter of the 19th century.
Meskerem Mees, a Flemish singer-songwriter with Ethiopian roots, is composing a series of variations, permutations and other adaptations of "walking songs" especially for this work, together with Jean-Marie Aerts, the sound architect of the legendary Belgian rock band TC Matic, whose music encompassed several styles: new wave, blues, funk, hard rock.
The show had its world premiere on 31 May 2023 at the Théâtre National Wallonie-Bruxelles in Brussels.

Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
In 1980, after studying dance at the Mudra School in Brussels and the Tisch School of the Arts in New York, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker (b. 1960) created the Ashes, her first choreographic work. Two years later came the premiere of Fase, Four Movements to the Music of Steve Reich. De Keersmaeker established the dance company Rosas in Brussels in 1983, while creating the legendary work Rosas dances Rosas. Since these breakthrough pieces, her choreography has been grounded in a rigorous and productive exploration of the relationship between dance and music. With Rosas, she has created a wide range of works that engage musical structures and scores from multiple periods, from early music to contemporary and popular idioms. Her choreographic practice also draws formal principles from geometry, numerical patterns, the natural world and social structures to offer a unique perspective on the articulation of the body in space and time. In 1995, De Keersmaeker founded the renowned dance school P.A.R.T.S. (Performing Arts Research and Training Studios) in Brussels in collaboration with De Munt/La Monnaie.
The announced follow-up call is cancelled.
Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker
Created with and danced by
Abigail Aleksander, Jean Pierre Buré, Lav Crnčević, José Paulo dos Santos, Rafa Galdino, Carlos Garbin, Nina Godderis, Solal Mariotte, Meskerem Mees, Mariana Miranda, Ariadna Navarrete Valverde, Cintia Sebők, Jacob Storer
Meskerem Mees, Jean-Marie Aerts, Carlos Garbin
Music performed live by
Meskerem Mees, Carlos Garbin
Meskerem Mees, Wannes Gyselinck
Wannes Gyselinck
Stage design
Michel François
Light design
Max Adams
Aouatif Boulaich
Rehersal directors
Cynthia Loemij, Clinton Stringer
Anne van Aerschot
Production coordinator
Anne Van Aerschot
Assistant to the artistic team
Martine Lange
Tour leaders
Jolijn Talpe
Technical Manager
Freek Boey
Tour technician
Jonathan Maes, Thibault Rottiers
Audio tour technician
Antoine Delagoutte
Costume coordinator
Alexandra Verschueren, assisted by Els Van Buggenhout
Suit sewing
Chiara Mazzarolo, Martha Verleyen
Costume service
Alexandra Verschueren
Concertgebouw Brugge (Bruges), De Munt / La Monnaie (Brussels), Internationaal Theater Amsterdam, Le théâtre Garonne (Toulouse), GIE FONDOC OCCITANIE (Le Parvis Tarbes, Scène nationale ALBI Tarn, Le Cratère Alès, Scène nationale Grand Narbonne, Théâtre Garonne)
Thanks to
Baptiste Alexandre, Naomie Bentein, Bert De Swert, Michel Dierickx, Steven Fillet, Nicolas Fiszman, Ann-Sofie Merlier, Miet Ongena, Tom Pauwels, Jean-Luc Plouvier, Olivier Thys, Emma Zune.
With the support of
This production is realized with the support of the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government, in collaboration with Casa Kafka Pictures - Belfius.