Yared Tilahun Cederlund continues his investigation into the pulse, exploring the power it possesses. From the heartbeat that gives us life, to the feeling of a city pulsing - to the base of house music. Where do we end up if we follow the pulse, and what step do we need to take before we can take the next?



60 minutes

12 Dec


13 Dec


14 Dec


By tapping into the powerful force that happens when people synchronise with each other, and together can move mountains, build pyramids and create change, Yared Tilahun Cederlund has once again found the superpower that drives the pulse. 

In pulse At MDT 2024, Yared Tilahun Cederlund invited the audience to witness some of the most skilful and respected dancers from the Swedish street and freestyle scene: Yared Tilahun Cederlund, Maele Sabuni, Niki Tsappos, Alexander Dam Ida Holmlund and Nataşa Baykal. The artists took to the stage and explored pulse, beat, rhythm and tempo. 

Puls is a long-term project that will take shape in many versions and formats with different dancers. The project centres on the deep knowledge and skills of street and freestyle dancers and aims to work on their own terms. In parallel with the artistic work and the exploration of pulse as a theme, the project aims to highlight and make visible the talent, creativity and originality of the street dance / freestyle field, under the direction / choreography of a choreographer who is at home in the dancers' expressions and movement worlds. The PULS project had its first public meeting through "PULS pt.1" at the MDT during March 2024. PULS pt.2 is a brand new show and can be seen completely independently from pt.1.

Yared Tilahun Cederlund is currently with: PULS pt.1 (MDT) in spring 2024, FESTIVAL by Viktor Fröjd (Dansnät Sweden - spring 2024) and IT IS CONTAINED IN by Yared Tilahun Cederlund and Joanna Holewa Chrona (Riksteatern - Tour 2025) 

In co-production with Dansens Hus.

Repetition och residens hos Scenkonst Sörmland med Puls pt.2

Om Yared Tilahun Cederlund

Yared Tilahun Cederlund, född den 18 Januari 1989 i Stockholm Sverige, är en dansare, ljud/musik- kompositör, koreograf och DJ som är aktiv inom Streetdance-scenen och i andra rum för scenkonst.

Yared började sin dansresa som 9-åring och har sedan dess kunnat ses på olika scener runt om i världen. Efter att i många år ha studerat danser och tekniker från Streetdance-vokabuläret samt utforskat flera typer av dans så har Yared’s unika rörelsespråk vuxit fram. Åren 2006 - 2013 var han som mest aktiv inom Battle-scenen och syntes ofta på event som Streetstar (Sverige) och Juste Debout (Frankrike). På senare år har han varit delaktig som dansare i en rad olika föreställningar, exempelvis “IDIOM” och “DRONE” av Erik Linghede, “Mental State of Sweden” med Cullberg av Mattias Andersson, “Tillvaron” och “Feasts” av Viktor Fröjd, “Contact us” av Lisa Janbell, “This That Unravels” av Björn Säfsten, “Gläntan” av Lotta Gahrton, ”[... it is contained in...]”av Joanna Holewa Chrona & Yared Tilahun Cederlund, ”Raised On Rhythm” av Niki Tsappos.

Som ljudkompositör har Yared komponerat verk som “So Sorry” och “YES” av Bam Bam Frost, “YEBO YES” av Theresa Gustavsson och Joanna Holewa Chrona, “conflict” av Ida Holmlund och Alexandr Antochvili, ”[... it is contained in...]” av Joanna Holewa Chrona & Yared Tilahun Cederlund, “Tr3i” av Bianca Traum

Om Omar Velasquez Rojas

Omar Velasquez Rojas, född och uppvuxen i Stockholm började dansa redan som femåring. Delvis självlärd, delvis genom kursverksamhet, fryshusets dansarlinje samt Åsa Folkhögskola (Sveriges enda dansarutbilbning inom streetdance fältet). Omar hittade tidigt sin passion i dansen genom uttryck relaterade hiphop, rnb & house med freestyle/improvisation som kärna. De senaste åren har Omar varit aktiv inom battle scenen både som dansare och som domare. Bla vann Omar Battle Bad - Prelims (Hip Hop) - 2022 och blev samma år inbjuden till Marseille, Frankrike för att medverka i tävlingen “Battle Challenge South”.  Omar dömde “Whos Got The Funk - Vitabergsparken (2024)” samt Up North (2022). Utanför battle/tävlingsscenen har Omar medverkat som dansare under Grammisgalan (2022) bakom artisten A36 samt i Labyrints musikvideo “Vi Dansar” 2018.  Aktuellt just nu är Omars medverkan i Cullbergs - “While in battle I’m free, never free to rest” av Homan Sharifi samt “PULS” av Yared Tilahun Cederlund.

Om Maele ”CHEZA” Sabuni 

Maele ”CHEZA” Sabuni har dansat sen barnsben och började ta klass år 2002 i olika Streetdancestilar. Han har en lång bakgrund som deltagare i olika tävlingar/battles och med åren vunnit titlar som Juste Debout Nordic (nordiskt mästerskap), Baltic Session (Estland), The Abyss Housedance experience (USA) mfl. Studerade två år på Åsa folkhögskola. Idag frilansar han som dansare/koreograf i olika sammanhang, TV, artister, föreställningar och ute på turnéer. Melodifestivalen, Polarpriset, turnérat med Riksteatern, Dansnät, Scenkonst Sörmland samt medskapar/medverkar med andra koreografer i olika produktioner.

Framfört ett danssolo på Nobel fredspris ceremoni i Oslo med Filharmonikerna (NRKTV). Just nu aktuell på turné med den egenkoreograferade prisbelönta föreställningen Bach In The Street samt turnerar med FESTEN och koreograferar
SINNESEXPERIMENTET. Därtill medverkade Maele I Yared Tilahun Cederlunds - PULS pt.1 samt kommer arbeta med Cullberg I en nyproduktion under 2025.

Om Niki Awandee

Niki Awandee is a spiritual explorer and artistic alchemist that found a guiding light in dance, rhythm and music at a very young age. Her artistic expression and unique touch has brought her global resonance within the HipHop dance community. She is regularly seen flying out from her residence in Stockholm - Sweden to perform, teach, judge and host events and battles around the globe. In 2024 she reached an amazing and astonishing 54 countries, of whom many she has visited multiple times. Niki is a pioneering force questing for freedom and self expression through the practice of freestyle, rhythm, playfulness and intuition training. She has a deep interest in sharing these practices and methods with the aim to contribute to a global growth in creativity, personal resonance, heightened sensibility, genuine expressions and artistic/movement refinement.

Niki is well known in the established global Hip Hop community through her various achievements related to her dance practice, winning many of the worlds most prestigious titles but foremost inspiring a world through her unique craft and powerful presence on and off stage. In recent years she has also made a name for herself creating and choreographing her own stage productions. “Head Peace” (2022) and “Raised on rhythm” (2023).

Om Ida “Inxi” Holmlund

Ida “Inxi” Holmlund is a freelance dancer, choreographer and dance teacher based in Stockholm, Sweden.

She is educated in streetdance styles at Åsa Folkhögskola Five Styles and One Style programme in Sweden, and at the Juste Debout school in Paris. Since 2013 she became part of the Majeko Dance Crew.

Now she is the first international member of the house of Alphaomega, who are mainly based in NYC. Inxi got titled as Legendary in the ballroom scene at the ”Abow the Rainbow ball” in Paris 2019.  Her first recognition in ballroom is the Vogue femme final at streetstar 2013. In may 2023 she was voguing at the Beyonce Renaissance concert in Stockholm.

Inxis wins in popping are Streetstar 7 to smoke final edition, Hiphop weekend in Malmö, Battle bad Sweden, Juste Debout Scandinvia, Ladies of hiphop in NYC , Soul session Oslo etc .

During her career Inxi has been touring in Europe, Asia, Usa, Russia and South Africa to give workshops, judge, battle guest or perform. She has also worked as a dancer in productions in the contemporary field with Örjan Andersson, Kenneth Kvarnström, Mari Carrasco & Cullberg Dance Company.

As a choreographer she made a solo piece ”Octo” for Detour Festival in Copenhagen 2023. The Vogue piece ”bitch please” together with the house of prodigy in 2019. And duo piece ”konflikt” in 2018 for Urban Connection and Dansnät Sverige.


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