A sensory installation for the very youngest, created specifically to meet children with physical and intellectual disabilities.
180 minutes
22 Apr
22 Apr
23 Apr
23 Apr
24 Apr
24 Apr
26 Apr
26 Apr
26 Apr
26 Apr
27 Apr
27 Apr
27 Apr
Specialised display*
27 Apr
Specialised display*
Fields of Tender is a choreographed installation for the very young. Challenge your curiosity, or just let your body relax. In this hypnotic room, furry garlands brush against the skin and undulating colours fill the room.
Together we indulge in this imaginative universe where dance, music, video and sensory objects become one - all in an enduring sense of abundance, tenderness and supernatural powers.
You experience the performance freely and on your own terms. The performance space is open and you can come when you are ready, leave and re-enter and go home when it suits you.
The work is designed specifically to meet the needs of the youngest children with physical, cognitive and intellectual disabilities aged from 6 months to 2 years. Children without disabilities between 6-18 months are also welcome to experience Fields of Tender.
- Each performance has a maximum number of 15 children.
- Adjacent to the parlour is a resting and nursing area.
- All seating is on the floor, even for adults.
*Special screening: The performances on Saturday 27 April at 14:00 and 15:30 are aimed at slightly older children aged 2-5 with physical and intellectual disabilities.
Fields of Tender is a collaboration with DANSiSTAN/CIRCUSiSTAN
Fields of Tender is created and produced in the frame of Dalija Acin Thelander's three- year academic research project "Towards sensuous ecologies, Rethinking ableism in choreographic and movement practices", carried out at Stockholm University of arts/Dance department and supported by Swedish Research Council.
Supported by: Menų buckeṫ/Arts Printing House (Vilnius, Lithuania), Muzeum Susch / Art Stations Foundation CH (Susch, Switzerland), LaSala (Sabadell, Spain).
Dalija Acin Thelander
Dalija Acin Thelander is a conceptual artist and choreographer based in Stockholm. Her focus in recent years has been on works and artistic research around performances for young children.
In spring 2022, her 'The Heart Inside' will be performed at the Royal Swedish Opera. Her previous works include "Sixth day of the moon" (2019), "The Garden of Spirited Minds" (2018), "Myriads of Worlds" (2017) and "Sensescapes" (2015).
More about Dalija Acin Thelander: https://www.dalijaacinthelander.com/
Concept, choreography, scenography
Dalija Acin Thelander
Noah Hellwig, Jimmie Larsson, pavleheidler
Thomas Jeker
Digital animation
Filip Mikic
Rokas Snarskis