Stockholm's only public fair with a total focus on dance and choreography!


24 Nov


Danscentrum Stockholm presents Dansmässan, which has been organised annually for several years. The fair acts as a festival and usually lasts for three days, at several venues around Stockholm. The fair features performances, seminars and showcases, both digital and live. It provides an opportunity for audiences interested in dance to take part in many artistic endeavours. The dance fair is also an important platform where dance performances are conveyed to organisers throughout the country and is a meeting place for the industry.

This year's fair is presented in collaboration between Danscentrum Stockholm, Dansens Hus, Danscentrum Riks and SRD - Samarbetsrådet för regional Dansutveckling. The fair is organised with support from the Swedish Arts Council and the Swedish Arts Grants Committee.

This year's programme features excerpts from a wide range of 21 artistic works and 4 selected longer works, as well as live talks that give an insight into the dance industry off stage.

This year's fair is fully digital and you can access it for 2 weeks.

More information can be found at


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