
The Dansens Hus Foundation was founded in 1991 by the Royal Opera, Riksteatern, Göteborgsoperan, Skånes Dansteater, Danscentrum, Dansmuseet and Östgötateatern. The purpose of the Dansens Hus Foundation is, according to its statutes, to develop dance and related art forms without its own production by organising and enabling public performances.

Click here for the Dansens Hus statutes.

Board of Directors

The Board consists of elected representatives of the founders and a number of external members. Since autumn 2023, the following members are on the board:

President Olof Lavesson
Vice President: Mikael Jönsson (Deputy Head of Ballet, Opera House)
Liselott Berg (Administrative Manager Dance, Gothenburg Opera)
Mia Larsson (Head of Dance, Riksteatern)
Sergei Muchin (Chairman, Dance Museum)
Mike Gamble (Danscentrum Stockholm)

External members

Mira Helenius Martinsson, Anna-Karin Celsing, Veronica Byfield Sköld, Peter Majanen och Viktoria Walldin.

Economy and missions

Dansens Hus is funded by the Ministry of Culture and the City of Stockholm.

Through guidelines, annual reporting and ongoing dialogue, we ensure that Dansens hus fulfils its mission as a permanent stage for contemporary dance.

Dansens Hus annual report 2017

Dansens Hus annual report 2018

Dansens Hus annual report 2019

Dansens Hus annual report 2020

Dansens Hus annual report 2021

Dansens Hus annual report 2022

Dansens Hus annual report 2023