Basically is an ongoing live project where the exhibition is a hybrid production site, residency studio, schoolyard; a context to rehearse and perform within.
9 March
Inauguration! The exhibition opens!
19 May
Last day of the exhibition
Nikima Jagudayev calls her collaborative practice 're-schooling' - a reconstruction of the school break and the collective learning that can occur in the spaces in between. 'Re-schooling' looks at social relations as spatial relations and how we can come together in meaningful and considerate ways.
Through interactive choreography, the visitor is invited to participate in an unconditional game. A group of artists shape the playground with elements such as live music, food, a mysterious deck of cards called POWDER, the ongoing design process of the Arcane Clothing collection, oracles in still life form, non-linear choreographies that fold in on themselves, and space for unforeseen events. In this changing universe there is room for both seriousness and play. The work is partly governed by the formal rules of the game, but also by the subjective interpretations that occur in interactions with and between the participating artists. I Basically the creation and re-creation of the environment is part of the game.
You come and go as you please, the work has no clear beginning or end.
Nikima Jagudajev and Basically are presented in co-operation with Accelerator.

Idea, direction & choreography:
Nikima Yagudayev
Composition and technical direction:
Jordan Balaber & Lester St. Louis
Louise Trueheart
Samuel Baidoo (dance & lighting), Matilda Cobanli (food & dance), Lara Dâmaso (dance & music), Ezra Fieremans (dance & music), Ama Kyei (dance), Yevheniya Kravets (dance), Ashley Morgen (music & movement), Mona Namér (dance, music & textile), Laura Stellacci (textile design & dance), Amina Szecsödy (music & dance), Gry Tingskog (textile & dance), Ellen Söderhult (dance & music), Louise Trueheart (dance), Maria Muehombo (MIMI) (music & movement), Lester St. Louis (music & movement). Louis (music & movement).
Video editing:
Salomon Leonard Poutsma
Amina Szecsödy, June Jenkins
Graphic design:
Laurel Atwell, Zöe Field
Contributions Powder deck:
Ayomoy Arrono, Laurel Atwell, Sanne Dodier, Nina Emge, Olivia Erlanger, Che Go Eun, Zoë Field, Polina Filipova, Padyn Humble, Melanie Matthieu, Abigail McNamara, Saye Oyama, Salomon Leonard Poutsma, Ra Tack, nick von kleist (nvk), Maïra Villena, Petra Webb, Amalia Wiatr Lewis
Melanie Matthieu, Stine Sampers
Mix & master:
Chris Pawlusek
Decoratelier, kunstenfestivaldesarts2021, workspacebrussels, Frankfurt LAB, Im_Flieger, KAAP, Dhaka Art Summit.
Co-operation partners:
Bergen Kunsthall, WIELS, Dhaka Art Summit, Mumok, Oktoberdans, BIT Teatergarasjen, Shedhalle Zürich, KAAP, de Brakke Grond.
Supported by:
workspacebrussels, WIELS, Bundesministerium Kunst, Kultur, öffentlicher Dienst und Sport, Vlaamse Gemeenschap, C-Takt, Phileas - The Austrian Office for Contemporary Art, Re-imagine Europe, Vlaamse Gemeenschapscommissie, IASPIS, Dansens Hus, Austrian Embassy Stockholm
Exhibition team Accelerator:
Richard Julin, curator and artistic director. Therese Kellner, curator