Claire Parsons has a playful and elegant movement language that creates comedy and evokes emotions and moods. She has previously choreographed for opera and theatre, but since 2006 she has mainly created performances for young audiences.
In 2013, Claire Parsons established her own company. Since then, the company makes 1-2 new performances each year, which are performed both in Sweden and internationally.
In 2014 Claire Parsons received the City of Stockholm's cultural grant and in 2015 Swedish Theatre Critics' Dance Prize for her work in renewing the art of dance for young audiences. In 2016, Claire Parsons became the first choreographer to create theatre for young audiences to receive the Ten-year working grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee. With subtlety and elegance, she creates joyful movements and imaginative observations of life in performances that create compelling stories for audiences around the world. In 2018 she received City of Stockholm Cullberg Prize of SEK 100,000 for renewing the performing arts for young audiences.

Danspodden Isadora
Claire Parsons talks about how to engage with children and young people through dance and how to make children enjoy the experience to the point of fainting. And what thoughts and inspiration does she bring to her work?

Danspodden Isadora
What is it like to make dance for very young children and how do you capture their attention and interest? Listen to Claire Parsons talk about her work.