Dance band music and body politics.
Tickets13 March
14 March
The second Late Night of the spring will feature dance band music and body politics.
The dancer Marianne Kjærsund has for 11 years been inviting audiences into the choreographer's office. Malin Hellkvist Selléns weekend solo Pink promises. With an open heart, the performance aims to explore the body, identity and movement in relation to the music and dance of dance band culture.
Based on a queer value base and a pink consequence, a choreography that is as emotional as it is analytical is created with serious humour.
Pink promises is an hour-long romantic exercise in values and an emotional swing that leaves no one untouched.
Speak out on "Pink Promises" Wednesday 13 March, 21:15-22:15 pm
Psychologists go to the theatre Thursday 14 March 21:15-22:15 pm
About the choreographers

Malin Hellkvist Sellén
Malin Hellkvist Sellén/MHS has worked as a choreographer for almost twenty years and has established herself as a strong feminist voice in the Swedish performing arts. MHS's work explores choreography as a bodily and linguistic practice. Her work reformulates the boundaries of what is possible and dismantles the thresholds to the space of choreography. MHS is interested in identity, sexuality, norm-creative perspectives and marginalised histories. MHS lives and works in Stockholm, Sweden. Previous works include Parveln (2017), Missionären (2016), Jag minns dig som du var då (2014), Inom rimliga gränser (2010) and Bättre folk (2006).

Marianne Kjærsund
Marianne Kjærsund is based in Oslo, Norway and has been active in the Nordic countries as a dancer and teacher for almost twenty years. She has a broad interest in stage expression and has collaborated with a wide variety of choreographers, including Kristin Ryg Helgebostad, Impure company/Hooman Sharifi, Henriette Pedersen and Rosalind Goldberg. She has collaborated with Malin Hellkvist Sellén since 2005. Kjærsund is a member of SKUDA - the actors and dancers alliance in Norway. She is a trained ballet teacher at Bodø University.