Eleanor Bauer is a performer and choreographer working at the intersections of dance, writing, and music.
Her work is a profound synthesis of embodied intelligences, bound in her practice of making sense with the senses in performance. From solos to talk shows to large ensemble pieces, her versatile works range in scale, media, and genre traversing categories of performance with wit, humor, and aplomb. Originally from Santa Fe, New Mexico, Bauer is currently based in Stockholm where she is a PhD candidate in Choreography at Stockholm University of the Arts. She has been created performances via GoodMove vzw in Brussels from 2007-2019 and was artist in residence at Kaaitheater in Brussels from 2013-2016. Together with Ellen Söderhult and Alice Chauchat, Bauer co-founded the open-source format for exchange of practices in the performing arts called Nobody’s Business in 2015 (www.nobodysbusiness.info), which has since been adapted and sustained internationally by myriad practitioners and organizers. Bauer continues to teach, write, lecture, and create contexts for exchange of knowledge in the arts, including PROTO TALKS. Bauer has worked as a performer with, among others, choreographers Xavier Le Roy, Boris Charmatz, Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker/Rosas, Trisha Brown, David Zambrano, Mette Ingvartsen, and Veli Lehtovaara. She has collaborated as a choreographer and performer with visual artists Matthew Barney, and Every Ocean Hughes/Emily Roysdon. She has performed or collaborated with music groups such as Ictus contemporary music ensemble, The Knife (leading Miguel Gutierrez’s Deep Aerobics for the Shaking The Habitual/Shaken Up tour), and WATT clarinet ensemble.
She choreographed a collaboration between pop artist Yung Lean and Cullberg called NEAR, which premiered in 2018 at Sweden’s Way Out West music festival and Stockolm’s Dramaten Theater. . In Spring 2020, Bauer collaborated with Danish pop artist Lydmor and Corpus dance company at Copenhagen’s Danish Royal Theater for an original collaboration entitled SENSUALITY HAPPENS, slated to appear also at Denmark’s renowned Roskilde music festival, currently suspended until further notice due to Coronavirus. Other ongoing collaborations include a project with Nora dance company in London, working title Nora (the many), and a film and dance collaboration with Swedish filmmaker and director Mia Engberg.
Eleanor Bauer på Dansens Hus

24 maj 2022
Nora the Many består av två delar: en bok och en film där Eleanor Bauer undersöker förhållandet mellan "khoreia", att...

A lot of moving parts VII (Sleeping Giant Dreams)1-3 oktober 2020
Frictions, collisions, translations, love affairs and gaps between dancing and writing in a choreographic search.

PROTO TALKS9-28 februari 2018
Eleanor Bauer utmanar eftersamtalet där konstnärer talar om sina verk och konstnärskap.

Big Girls Do Big Things (Late Night)15-16 februari 2018
”Du är som en isbjörn som dansar som en svan”, en kommentar som blev en föreställningsidé.

Sleeping giant dreams podcast
"This podcast title was taken from the name of an eponymous course I hosted at SKH Dance department in Fall 2018, a speculative title naming an important branch of inquiry in my ongoing research as a PhD candidate in Choreography. My PhD project is itself entitled choreo | graphy, to denote the difference between and open up a reflection on the relation of (khoreia, or dancing together) and (graphia, writing)...."

SKH Dance podcast
Institutionen för dans vid Stockholms konsthögskola har i samarbete med Eleanor Bauer skapat poddserien: How Dance Thinks och består av sex avsnitt. I varje avsnitt samtalar Eleanor med olika gäster, bland andra Robin Jonsson, Rasmus Ölme och Cecilia Roos.

A lot of moving parts (gruppversion 2019)
Våren 2019 visades Eleanor Bauers verk "A lot of moving parts" på Dansens Hus lilla scen. Senare under samma år visades samma verk i gruppverson på en festival i Finland. Här kan du ta del av hela verket.

Eleanor Bauers arbete på SKH
Eleanor Bauer bedriver en spännande forskning på Stockholms konstnärliga högskola, SKH. Här delar hon med sig om vad hennes forskningsprojekt handlar om.

Dansverket Near (2018)
I samarbete med Jonatan Leandoer, Yung Lean och Cullberg skapade Eleanor Bauer 2018 danskonserten Near. Med utgångspunkt i poesi och en stark relation till skrivandet har de lyckats skapa en gemensam fantasivärld. Föreställningen producerades av Cullberg och Riksteatern.

Meyoucycle (2018)
Eleanor Bauer har tillsammans med Chris Peck skapat "Me and you and everything in between", en science fiction-konsert om vanliga känslor i en tid som kännetecknas av hyperkapitalism och tekniska framsteg. Fyll i lösenordet: MeyoucyleTQW

Bauer Hour Talkshow (2015)
En samtalsserie där Elanor Bauer har bjudit in olika gäster för småprat, medelprat, storprat, skräpprat, hårt prat, butiksprat, pratstund, falskt prat, riktigt prat, rakt prat, lockigt tal, sidledsspråk och bakåtprat.